Tuesday, July 28, 2015

40th Birthday Drawing to a Close

This day began with a small burst of birthday wishes on my facebook wall from a couple of Aussie friends and one UK friend. Then a post on a friend's forum took root shortly before midnight.

Then I slept. Woke up at 7am. Around 8:30-9am, my boyfriend brought in a turtle cake. Really cute.
I felt like a kid again. I'll be adding the two turtles to my collection. Two of my girls made a mess of it but between five people, half a quarter sheet got eaten. No, I didn't eat any.

Then the typical day stuff began. I went to the laundromat and spent two hours there. UGH!
But.. there was an amusing event that happened. A little boy took my bra off the counter and wore it
around his head. I didn't notice due to saying thank you to those who wished me a happy birthday.
By the time I was paying attention, an older boy, his brother, I think, was bringing me my bra. He was so red-faced, I didn't get upset. I did request that he say Happy Birthday to me and he did. He asked how old I was and I said old. He pfft me and walked away. I was amused.

Back home, I put clothes away and did dishes. I checked facebook off and on too and shared a pic of Mt.Dew and peanut butter cups. That went over well. haha
After that I just listened to music and basically had a lazy day.

Around 6:30pm, 2 of my girls (and one with her boyfriend) came over for a bit. My youngest helped me mix fruit into sherbert for an after cake drink.

Then more laziness. A ton of birthday wishes. Over 50 of them. Not bad really. I was surprised.
Nicely so. But a couple of people who never miss my birthday, did miss it which is going to end this night on a bad note.

Less than ten minutes to go. Wish my baby sister had left a message and wish a couple of other friends had too but... such is life.

Soon it'll be a new day and this day can end. Back to normal we go.

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